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6 Reasons Why Working Out at Home is Better Than the Gym

6 Reasons Why Working Out at Home is Better Than the Gym

May 29, 2018

Jamie just finished up a long day at the office. He really wants to go work out but the 5:30 gym crowd packs out the gym every night.

Plus, it will take him an extra 20 minutes one way to get to the gym, find a locker, and an hour to work out because of the wait for machines.

He just doesn’t know what to do. Jamie joined the gym with the intention of working out on a regular basis, but now it seems as if the gym is keeping him from his workouts.

While Jamie contemplates the possible solutions to this dilemma, we’re going to look at six reasons why working out at home is better than the gym.


Saving Time

Jamie’s work commute and gym commute add up, so instead of relaxing and moving on with the rest of his day, he’s spending more time driving to the gym.

Most of us already have a tough enough time trying to exercise consistently. When you make your workout dependent on the gym, you can spend a lot of time waiting for machines, waiting in line for a shower, and then driving back home.

That takes time away from other important priorities, such as your family and taking care of things that need to be done around your home.

Working out at home can be as simple as rolling out your mat, putting on your workout clothes, and working out.

There’s no waiting for a machine between sets, no stinky locker rooms, and extra driving after a hectic day at the office.


Saving Money

Working out at the gym costs more than you may realize.

Locker and gym accessories can add up into the hundreds.  You’ll have to pay membership dues every month.  And don't forget to save up for that pesky annual maintenance fee that many health clubs attach to their memberships.

The only cost in working out at home is the equipment you buy for your personal use, not the use of some dude standing in a puddle of sweat behind you.

This equipment will also save you money in the long run because it will last a long time, and you can add pieces to your routine as you decide to change it up.

You also won’t have to spend money driving and even parking at the gym, which is another perk of working out at home.

With all this money you’re saving, you can have more to invest in you and those who matter to you.

Really, a great exercise mat and a set of resistance bands is more than enough for a tough, effective workout.



There are some days when even the biggest social butterfly wants to have a little more privacy.

This is especially true when you have to get in your workout during your gym’s rush hour.  It can be a little intimidating and annoying when you have people within a foot of you on either side.

When you work out at home, you can have plenty of privacy. And there’s no judgment because the only person you need to compete with is your healthiest self.

If you have a garage, basement, or a room with a little space that you can close off you might even be able to enjoy a little peace and quiet during your workout.

Hey, you can even your old comfortable shorts and play whatever music you want without anyone complaining about it being too loud.

There’s also no judgment. Who wants to have to freshen up to go to the gym just to get sweaty anyway?


Less Overwhelming

There’s always a lot going on at the gym.

Sometimes it can get a little overwhelming to come into the gym at the end of a long day to loud weights, endless rows of cardio machines, and the hustle and bustle of people in a health club.

Sometimes you just need a way to relax and unwind and enjoy the less is more approach.

This is where working out at home can help you simplify your life. You can have a quick workout, a long HIIT session, or a relaxing yoga workout. The choice is yours.

Just tailor your workouts to your day and enjoy eating a nutritious post-workout meal in your own home. You won’t have to deal with high pressure instructors and front-desk staff.

More importantly, your workout can be a new way for you to relax and destress.



Did we mention that working out at home helps you develop your personal workout style?

Home workouts are great times for trying out new moves and exercises. You don’t have to feel pressured to be amazing at a certain workout like kickboxing, and you won’t have to deal with the judgmental stares of fellow gym goers.

You can also break up your workouts across the day. And, you can work out whenever you want, even if you have an unusual work schedule.

Keeping your body moving throughout the day has huge benefits.  Have a spare 15 seconds and want to get your heart rate up?  Bust out 10 quick burpees a few times a day and watch the extra weight melt away.

When you work out at home, your workout can be taken with you, wherever you are. Mats and resistance bands are portable. So if you like to travel, your fitness gear can go on the road with you.


Ditch the Excuses

When you’re working out at home, many of the typical excuses no longer apply. You’ll be able to find the time, and the resources will be right there to help you get into great shape.

You don’t have to feel awkward in a room full of strangers, and you can truly have some personal time.

If you have a family, you can turn working out into something everyone can enjoy. Can you think of a better way to be a healthy role model? Even if you’re a new parent, there are ways to sneak in a workout.

So you see, even the busiest people can find a way to work out.



Our friend, Jamie, decides to bypass the gym once again, reminding himself of everything he has to get done. When he arrives home he hears his phone buzz. It’s a notification from his Instagram.

One of his friends just bought a Gorilla Mat, and she’s posting a picture of one of her home workout moves.

Working out at the gym, can cost time, lots of money, and personal space, as well as give you more reasons to postpone working out.

When you work out at home, you will be able to save time and resources. Plus, any equipment you decide to use will be a way to invest in your health.

Jamie looks at her posts and thinks her mat looks cushy, durable, and large enough to do any and every exercise – not your typical fitness mat. He then decides to get one of these awesome mats for himself.

One of the toughest pieces of home workout equipment you’ll ever own is our Gorilla Mat. When you purchase a Gorilla Mat for your home workouts, you’re buying a workout accessory that will hold up to the toughest workouts.

Your joints will also thank you. We designed our mats with comfort and strength in mind, so you can get your best workout from the comfort of your living room.

Grab a Premium Large Exercise Mat and experience the best home gym flooring!

Buy Gorilla Mats


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